President Obama has promised to top all his previous unconstitutional, law-breaking acts for the remaining time he has in office.
“Where [elected Republicans in Congress] are not willing to work with us, we will do it administratively or we will convene the private sector,” Obama stated, to which he added “by hook or by crook.”
In other words, if Congress doesn’t capitulate to what he wants, he will just do it anyway, just as he did recently in defying an injunction bya federal judge.
Obama said his big-government push would “make sure that when I leave this office, that the country is more prosperous, more people have opportunity, kids have a better education, we’re more competitive, climate change is being taken more seriously than it was, and we are actually trying to do something about it.”
In practice, Obama’s agenda includes more progressive control over peoples’ salaries, education practices and the energy companies. Each expansion means that state and local governments plus large and small companies will cooperate with regulators to push progressives’ goals, instead of trying to please Americans voters, taxpayers and free-market consumers.
Despite the huge victory delivered by GOP voters and swing voters in November, it is not clear if the GOP leaders can — are will even try — to block Obama’s plan.
The Constitution says the White House can only execute Congress’ laws, not rewrite them.
Obama’s supported by 46 senators, most of the established media, plus a progressive and ethnic coalition that comprises roughly 40 percent of the electorate.
On the other side, the GOP is split, and the mainstream media is relatively small.
Half the party consists of a small-government core that wants to curb progressives’ government-magnified power over Americans’ economic and social lives.
But the GOP leadership, plus a large chunk of legislators, most lobbyists and campaign donors, are reluctant to rally voters against Obama’s big-government agenda. Instead, they prefer to make deals that provide short-term economic benefits to business groups and to wealthy donors.
Since November, the divided GOP has failed to reduce Obama’s progressive power grabs in the health sector, the energy sector, the education sector, the Internet and the immigration system.
The immigrants been allowed in the country because / for the next election… Almost predictable who will be elected!
anyone see evilness here????
Speaking like a.sore loser.
He will destroy as much of America and her culture as he can before he leaves! God help us!
For Christ sake will the federal courts uphold the law and hang this tyrant before there is nothing left to save .
your a Fing Moron
But your the crook with the hook
Muslim traitor.
I AM NOT A CROOK–does that sound familiar ??????