Amazing! Obama still wants to fast track seventy five thousand Islamic invaders to these shores even after liberal Europe discovered the awful truth of these migrants. Germany, Hungary, and Croatia are scrambling to seal off their borders as riots and mayhem from these Islamists are overrunning their countries. Obama’s numbers of Islamic refugees may shock you. Check the next page:
stupid people. look at this picture !!!!!!!!! Cingress. !!!!!!
Obama is Muslim Brotherhood, Here is PROOF,
arest him and deport all muslins and illegell imingrants ,
Oh yeah, he welcomed all of them in his super duper too secret muslim welcome center, in the basement of a Walmart, converted to hold the captives of the Texas invasion. Also used to hold all the gun’s confiscated from his firearms ban. And I almost forgot the secretin back room, where they make the Ebola virus. Can you people invent any more paranoid stories ?
Execution Time
Our COUNTRY is in trouble. “WE THE PEOPLE” of the United States are in trouble. We have become complacent with our standards and our morals and the ideals that built this country. We take our freedoms for granted and we have evolved into people who want to please everyone. For those of you who know me, know that I have rarely been a person to live my life worried about what others think of me. I’m not saying to not be sensitive to others, I’m just saying it’s time to stand up for what is right and to stand against what is wrong. It is that simple.
Our FOUNDING FATHERS came to this land to build a great country based on God and to establish freedoms such as, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and a freedom to bear arms in order to protect ourselves from those who may harm us. They gave us a great document, the Constitution of the United States.
The Constitution provides for many liberties and gives us many rights. OUR Constitution also provides limitations for our GOVERNMENT including our PRESIDENT.
Our PRESIDENT has failed us and our GOVERNMENT has helped and has allowed it to happen. However, WE cannot place all of the blame on the GOVERNMENT or our PRESIDENT. WE THE PEOPLE have to be accountable as well. There are those of us who have not voted in years, there are those of us who think that it doesn’t matter if we vote or not and there are those who just do not want to be involved. To each of you I urge you to wake up, to listen up, to speak up, to stand up and to fight to take OUR America back.
We have a great opportunity right now to do that. Donald Trump may not represent what you think a presidential candidate should.
I say who cares. I say look at OUR AMERICA! LOOK at the violence, look at the sellout of morals and standards, look at the denial of GOD in OUR COUNTRY!
Donald Trump is not a typical presidential candidate and he is not a politician. What Donald Trump is, is a man willing to put all he has on the line to help “WE THE PEOPLE” take OUR COUNTRY back and make OUR COUNTRY great again!
You may not like Donald Trump, you may not agree with the WAY he does things. If you are an American and you love your freedoms, then you must overlook the inexperience as a politician you must overlook his unconventional ways! It’s too late to worry about who gets offended by the way he says or does things. You have to focus on his goals AND the heart he is putting into this fight! DONALD TRUMP’s goals are to stop illegal immigration, To secure the United States, to promote jobs, and to preserve our freedom and our rights given to us by our FOUNDING FATHERS in the Constitution of the United States of America.
In having said all of this, WE THE PEOPLE also have to pray for Donald Trump so that he may accomplish these goals, that he may reach every person that is able to vote and he is able to encourage each voter to open his/her eyes to what we are on the verge of losing. We need to pray that GOD will speak through him and THAT GOD will lead him to say the right things, to do the right things and and do that with sincerity and dedication to THE United States of America and to WE THE PEOPLE!
What dose this tell you ?
history will show that the election or obummer was the most destructive thing to happen to America
To many!!!