As the nation’s first African-American president, Barack Obama was supposed to heal race relations. Instead, he made them worse — but he’s still acting like he managed to make everything better.
Black Lives Matter was formed to protest racism in Obama’s justice system. Under his leadership, several unarmed black men were shot and killed by police officers. Many of those police officers escaped charges, leading many on the left to accuse the courts of predetermined biases against black men.
Strangely, Obama seems to agree. Despite being in charge, he thinks institutional racism has plagued justice system. But he doesn’t think that’s his fault. According to the president, the courts have always been racist, and will continue to be for many years.
See Obama’s latest comments on race and the justice system on the next page:
Racism , racism ,you kept it alive ,you breath live into racism .Tats your legacy,
Him an his family are racist assholes
Your the Racist
you put them there
Nor can we deny racism comes in a rainbow of colors. If all White America is racist then you are half racist you idiot
650,000 White American Men Died freeing you. only 5% of Americans owned Slaves. Liberia was created in Africa to repatriate slaves from the United States. The 1st Slave owner in America was Black, and fought in court to take custody of a black slave who had run away and found paying work on a White mans farm. Saudi Arabia to this very moment allows Slavery as the norm. The same Saudi Arabia that financed and trained 16 Saudi Nationals terrorists for the 9/11 attacks, and donated $1.5 billion to Obama and Clintons campaigns. You know how the Son of a White communist whore lies dont you?
Let it go little snowflake the racism is coming from you!!!!!![Obummer]
We also can’t deny that the majority of criminals are not white.
Or in the Oval office
I didn’t vote for him twice