The weather outside is frightful and my dear Mr. Obama it is delightful, that snow is falling on your global warming campaign this week in Alaska.
The President will be heading to Alaska to argue for a new international agreement to combat climate change. The irony is that snow is expected this first week of September and will create a winter wonderland backdrop right at the end of summer, just in time for his campaign.
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wasted taxpayers money
stupid is as stupid does
God showing him he a Lair………….
MR DIP CHIT==@[1434392933511093:274:Arrest Barack Hussein Obama and charge with Treason]
Yep the first morning he was here it was 34 degrees! What does he think about that global warming?
Stephen , please don’t tell him to stay in Alaska.
He is so evikl he stinks
Was meeting with China and Russia his real agenda and the rest was a smoke screen? You have to wonder since this was just published to the public. We always hear ahead when he goes on vacation or golfing. Hmmm.
what an IDIOT!!