President Obama has once again used the Constitution like toilet paper, and his Democrat serfs have bowed their knee to serve him. The United Nations is a rogues gallery of power and money hungry diplomats who see the United States as their personal ATM. And Obama is determined to bring the United States down in any way possible. His latest attempt is huge, and involves the bankrupting of the nation. So far, he is succeeding.
The Global Warming (or Climate Change) scam is, among other things, a huge attempt to shift massive amounts of power and wealth to the United Nations. Obama is complicit in this attempt, and he should be limited by his authority and ability to negotiate on behalf of the United States without advice and consent of the American people as expressed through their congressional representatives.
Simply put, Obama cannot negotiate or sign a treaty of behalf of the United States without Congress approval. But as we have seen with this arrogant and lawless “prince,” the Constitution and executive limits mean nothing to Obama, and he has just obligated the United States to huge financial and legislative commitments for years to come without bothering to consult with Congress.
State Department eight factor test prohibits Obama from signing the agreement, page 2:
Other traitors have been hung! Why not Obama?
Toni Harper Calhoun be glad to. First, in your opinion what did he do and why was it wrong?
Hope he falls out of air Force one
he does not have an American heart
When they hacked Georgia the IP number came from the Department Of Homeland Security oh and a Muslim is in charge not the Russians most everything that comes out of the Democrats and some Republicans are lies like the news we don’t get the truth listen to the news from other country’s and you will see what the great Barry and Hillary have done and what’s so bad they took our money and done it and are still doing it I am with Trump drain the swamp and Barry and Hillary need to be held for treason death is what they should get so if some of you want to drink the koolade you are part of the problem as for me I don’t want a new world order to where my freedom is taken away God bless America not Allah he is not my god
Making what up? Every thing I said is exactly true but you like a typical lib changes up
Bogus, fraudster!
Doug Webb prove it. Provide links.
Sandra Greene 1) yes. I know. I researched it. If you look above I said the complaints look legit. 2). Obama is not a Muslim. 3) even if he was who cares? 4) Trump didn’t drain the swamp. He put in THREE people from Goldman Sachs. Remember them?? THREE. And he put in an oil man who is best friends with Putin.
Now…if you ask me, if a foreign power is hacking into our computer systems (NOT ELECTION JUST COMPUTERS IN GENERAL) then there needs to be consequences. Your boy praises Putin for hacking us. THATS kind of the definition of treason. I challenge you to provide proof WITH VERIFIABLE LINKS of ANY AND ALL TREASON committed by either Obama or Clinton. I DEFY you to do it.
He’s not my president & NEVER was.