After eight long and infuriating years, president Barack Obama is finally set to leave the White House for good on Friday, January 20th, 2017. With his departure, he leaves behind a legacy of increased racial tensions, sky-high public deficits, and the spread of radical Islamic terror across the Western world. One thing he isn’t leaving behind, however, is his presidential paycheck.
Despite the fact that he will no longer be serving as the country’s chief executive, Obama’s disastrous run as president has earned him the right to a taxpayer-funded salary for life.
Unhappy with this fact, lawmakers in Washington D.C. sent a bill to Obama’s desk that would decrease the amount of money Obama would make as a former president.
Of course, Obama vetoed the bill immediately and released a message in order to explain himself.
See Obama’s lame excuse for the veto on the next page:
don’t you get hung for treason? won’t need money!
When these assholes are out of office , that should be it..No salary for life, for anyone..not Congressmen or Senators..No one…
Doesn’t surprise me. He has done nothing for America other than take and destroy.
Adding to national debt. Unpatriotic.
He does not deserve any pay after he is gone, he should be paying back all the money he and his wife wasted on their vacations and clothing.
I wish congress would veto him
You don’t deserve what you have taken so far. Go away and you belong in prison along with the other crooked politicians.
Vote Trump!!!
Should take as much as he has done for this country, Nothing, but a boot in the$#%&!@*on the way oit.