Obama has begun to house immigrant children in military bases, which not only encourages more illegal immigration but causes national security concerns, according to Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK).
“Our nation has an immigration problem and a national security crisis, but I don’t believe the answer is for our military facilities to be transformed into a center that houses, feeds, and cares for illegal immigrants,” Inhofe said in a statement. “This only encourages parents to send their children unaccompanied over the border and, with the average-aged child being between 13 and 17, it exposes our military facilities to unknown security concerns.”
So, our military bases are starting to be used as nanny care facilities for illegals. Yet further corruption of our military.
And, with 1000s of these immigrant children pouring in everyday and being placed onto military bases, would terrorists not see this as a golden opportunity?
President Barack Obama’s administration is forcing a military base in Oklahoma to shelter illegal immigrant children whom officials in Texas cannot handle, and Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK), the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, thinks that will only encourage more illegal immigrants to flood into the country and create national security concerns.
After the Obama administration informed the Fort Sill military base in Lawton, OK, to expect about 600 illegal immigrant children to be sent to its facilities this weekend, Inhofe noted that the Obama administration is making military bases care for illegal immigrants while Obama is “drastically reducing defense spending funds at a historically rapid rate.”
“Our nation has an immigration problem and a national security crisis, but I don’t believe the answer is for our military facilities to be transformed into a center that houses, feeds, and cares for illegal immigrants,” Inhofe said in a statement. “This only encourages parents to send their children unaccompanied over the border and, with the average-aged child being between 13 and 17, it exposes our military facilities to unknown security concerns.”
Inhofe also said that though “the Obama administration has said that Fort Sill should be prepared to receive children as early as June 10, they have failed to provide any further details such as what is to be expected of the military facility and its service members, and for how long.”
As Breitbart Texas first reported, illegal immigrants who are not from Mexico are being warehoused after they are detained. Those that Texas cannot handle are first being dumped in Arizona before some are shipped to other parts of the country, including Oklahoma, California, and Alabama.
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer was told that the federal government would be dumping at least a thousand illegal immigrants from Texas to Arizona this weekend. Though Arizona officials have said they have no idea where the illegal immigrants are going after they leave the Nogales holding station, some are being sent to Oklahoma and California, which will allow the Obama administration to dump even more illegal immigrants in Arizona, especially to the Nogales warehouse that reportedly has a capacity of about 1,500. A Homeland Security official told the Associated Press, “As quickly as we move them out, we get more. We believe this is just a start.”
send them back we do not need them
Ship ALL their Little ASSES right Back to Mexico and then Put Troops on Our border to STOP THIS $#%&!@*.
Why are they doing this? Do they not care for those kids…If they did they would not drag them away from their homeland and their families!!
This has to stop now
We did the same ting post Vietnam. I was stationed at Camp Pendleton when we had thousands of Vietnamise civilians come through. I ran the Hospital linen room and supplied all the linnens and baby cloths. It cost the State Department Billions as It was completly off budget. I was told to spend what was needed.
Future gestapo henchmen. Thats why he welcomes them and wants illegals in the military, they will blindly follow and obey the others of those who allowed them to stay here.
put them in obamas fema camps
If they ship them to Alabama as I just read there is going to be all out WAR we dont want them here no way no shape no form this is just how the gangbangers got started teen age punks killing people in big cities we dont want them here in Alabama YOU GOT THAT OBAMA???
Obama should live on a military base, I suggest Levenworth.