The Daily Show on Comedy Central seems like a strange place for a president to discuss such a serious and sensitive matter as race relations. Yet that is precisely what we just saw Mr. Obama do. Perhaps as a liberal he gets a pass on things that would have the media brought to screaming fits had the situation involved a conservative.
In fact, there might well be some merit to the belief that liberals see themselves as the only ones who are competent to discuss certain topics such as race relations and social justice issues. Many give the impression that they believe that conservatives have some congenital defect that renders them unable to intelligently and compassionately discuss topics so close to the hearts of liberals.
Well, those issues are going to be discussed on page two.
No the us still suffers from obummer but not for much longer
8 years of “your all racist”… So sick of hearing this from him.
now we are going to suffer the legacy of barack obama laws.:D
Sit down and stfu obuckwheat…
Thanks to Obama and his cronies Jim Crow is still alive.
Another poor dumb racist that’s owned by the past..
The only reason Americans still suffering is because that Muslim terrorist you guys call a president you should have been executed for treason long ago
According to Obama, “calling the kettle black” is now racist.
And the Hate you brought.
هميشه ، ،ما انسانها ،رفاه وراحتي نسبي را قد ر نمي دانيم .تا به مصيبتي دچار گرديم ،اين يك ضرب المثل نيست يك حقيقت است.تغيير قدرت از يك قدرت مردمي به غير مردمي،،،فتحيه