During a recent interview he gave to a French television channel, Obama incorrectly stated that the US is “One of the biggest Muslim nations.”
Actually, there are approximately 1.5 billion Muslims in the world and the number of Muslims in the US is approximately 0.3% of the total world Muslim population.
Watch after the break, as Obama seems to be dreaming of the future:
He incorrectly “states” everything, so what’s new?
We are a Christian country that will take this country back.
He’s going to make it so before he leaves office.
Liberals are all idiots…and Obama is their prophet
He’s working on it. Scum bucket!
This is our country, I wish he would go back to Kenya, stay the shell out of our government, he is a total racist and trouble maker.
Obama is going to import “Muslim Refugees”. And you thought you had to worry about people from Mexico…
Obama is stupid