During a recent interview he gave to a French television channel, Obama incorrectly stated that the US is “One of the biggest Muslim nations.”
Actually, there are approximately 1.5 billion Muslims in the world and the number of Muslims in the US is approximately 0.3% of the total world Muslim population.
Watch after the break, as Obama seems to be dreaming of the future:
If only football season was over.
noway in hell
Last I heard the american people still out number the muslims.!! Hell the mexican out number the muslims !!
Well the government has seen to that importing them by the millions.
Cause he is Muslim, every body knows it but why are they trying to hide it, this is insane no other president has never done this garbage before has our President never read the decoration or independence yet ever
He is the biggest liar that ever was !
We are also the longest living nation who will not like the. Changes or go down with out God in charge
Pos. bastard !!
They’re going to kill us you know. We’ve let them all come in until we’re completely surrounded , they are all over our country. They’re not like the Germans, Italians & Poles. Those people came so they could have better lives. They never tried to change us. Even the Jewish people have never tried to convert us to their religion. We’ve gotten along together all these years.
All I know is someone better do something soon or it’ll be to late!
He is nuts