During a recent interview he gave to a French television channel, Obama incorrectly stated that the US is “One of the biggest Muslim nations.”
Actually, there are approximately 1.5 billion Muslims in the world and the number of Muslims in the US is approximately 0.3% of the total world Muslim population.
Watch after the break, as Obama seems to be dreaming of the future:
How #EBOLA starts https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=344805875702255
Another LIE
We are a Christian Nation.
Lock up all borders and to the Illegals send them home one way or another.
why hasn’t he been shot yet?
how much longer Lord?
If this imperial wizard keeps getting his way, that statement could become a true fact. 🙁
The man is delusional…I think..he is one of those say it and claim it Muslims! But our God is Mighty to the pulling down of strongholds and He will come through for Believers in Christ who is the only TRUE God and can be trusted….I can’t wait to see what He is going to do in answer to our cry for HELP in this country….He gave it to us so the Gospel could be proclaimed and many be saved from the wrath to come…..His kingdom come His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven….
I like what james orr says to islam
Obama needs an overdose off Ex-lax. Pray for our country.