During a recent interview he gave to a French television channel, Obama incorrectly stated that the US is “One of the biggest Muslim nations.”
Actually, there are approximately 1.5 billion Muslims in the world and the number of Muslims in the US is approximately 0.3% of the total world Muslim population.
Watch after the break, as Obama seems to be dreaming of the future:
obama HATES Americans and America.
Watch Dinesh D’Souza’s obama’s America.
He hates the United States, the west, Jews, England, freedom, liberty, and all we stand for.
He is using debt as a weapon of mass destruction to weaken America as a a global superpower, disarming our nuclear arsenal AND our entire military, to leave us broken, defenseless, impoverished and destroyed – The next third world country.
THAT is o-BOMB-a’s legacy to America.
He IS a FAILURE – malignant, malevolent and EVIL – and Congress MUST STOP HIM NOW.
guess what Barry I hate Muslims
he “incorrectly” states most everything that comes out of his mouth.
We ARE NOT a muslim nation!!!!!
You have to be kidding. Don’t you know who finded our U S., NOT Muslims for sure. We are a Christian nation; all my life and at 80 yrs now I have believed, God is our country. AMEN and nobody like you will make it different.
Just so you know Abraham’s two sons Issac leads to Christianity and Ishmael leads to Muslim so both worship the same God. America is the most religious nation in the world. Yes we’re a christian nation, and birthplace of Mormonism and Scientology stop bashing everyone and just say a prayer for someone like I’m going to do for you right now
Merry Christmas! <3
The US IS NOT a mislim nation, and this q***r and it’s husband need to be stopped. He truly is the antichrist.
did he really?
Only in his eyes, just proves how narrow-minded he his, he’s so narrow -minded, he could look through a key hole with both eyes wide open!!!!