During a recent interview he gave to a French television channel, Obama incorrectly stated that the US is “One of the biggest Muslim nations.”
Actually, there are approximately 1.5 billion Muslims in the world and the number of Muslims in the US is approximately 0.3% of the total world Muslim population.
Watch after the break, as Obama seems to be dreaming of the future:
No it isn’t you a**hole!
we need to make it the smallest get the nasty killers out of this country fast like now
Just make sure it don’t end up that way, send all of them out of our country, they are evil beings of Allah . They teach their kids this evil c**p.
I feel sorry for Obama. Having to “Pretend” every day for six years that he is American…..Yet his heart belong to islam !! Must have been very stressful for him…while having to keep lying and keeping his lies straight!!
Only n his twisted mind
His diabolical plan