During a recent interview he gave to a French television channel, Obama incorrectly stated that the US is “One of the biggest Muslim nations.”
Actually, there are approximately 1.5 billion Muslims in the world and the number of Muslims in the US is approximately 0.3% of the total world Muslim population.
Watch after the break, as Obama seems to be dreaming of the future:
He must be suffering from non American Brain damage.
It will not happen no matter how much he want it to.. God will be with us we just need to pray
he IS an IDIOT
uh…. yeah, No, obummer. go home, youre drunk, incompetent and in LA LA land….delusional psychopath SMH
you all need to wake up, Obama has been sneaking Muslims in for the last 2 years now, Obama is not a Christians as he stated, he is not even an American. Mr Obama is a Domestic Terrorist, who is controlled by a foreign power. Destroying this country and killing its people is the only thing on their minds. Obama wants to kill as many Americans as possible, and move in that many more muslims to become the top group withing America, screwing over all Americans, White, Asian, Hispanic, African. Wake up, look at all that Obama has done, better yet look at what he has done or failed to act upon, delayed action on.
OBlamer is starting to look like Mussolini! We need to re-direct the Ebola virus to the WH for sure…..
In his fathers dream only!
he needs to be fired and gone He is stuck in thosw other countries rather than the one he is supose to know all about and How to keep it safe..
not even close, we are like 38th in the world pop of muslims
Never was and never will be.