During a recent interview he gave to a French television channel, Obama incorrectly stated that the US is “One of the biggest Muslim nations.”
Actually, there are approximately 1.5 billion Muslims in the world and the number of Muslims in the US is approximately 0.3% of the total world Muslim population.
Watch after the break, as Obama seems to be dreaming of the future:
It will be when he is finished.
Moron! He meant moron. He has been re-elected.
Most of them were here before President Obama took office. Check with Texas and several other states. Look at how many mosques have been built in America or buildings taken over and converted.
Pathetic! Simply pathetic! Sadly, President Obama’s campaign promise of hope, change, and transparency soon became false blame, shame, and deceit; then rhetorical promises without substantial action, political shenanigans, corruption, and lies that were soon followed by complete disregard of Constitutional law and finally American disgrace in the world by America’s dysfunctional President who‘s communist agenda is only surpassed by his visceral hate of America. President Obama does not care about improving America’s middle class any more than he does about working with Congress, prioritizing expenditures, economics, or foreign affairs. His main concern is to conceal his true communistic machinations with racial division, diversionary tactics, and faux promises but, after more than five years of domestic and foreign failures, lies and scandals of his administration have exposed the truth about his communistic redistribution of wealth in America when wealth equality is not the real cause of the common people’s misery even though Obama’s mentors taught him otherwise. But then, Obama‘s real strategy never was to promote the well-being of America’s common people.
If the President’s moral conviction had been to help the poor, he would have ended the compulsive spending, jobless, in debt social plight which Washington’s elite has created and he would not have made it easier and more profitable for people to remain idle and live on government handouts and control instead of striving to better their life and the lives of their children.
Practically everything President Obama has done during his Presidency has resulted in more debt, more joblessness, a reduced middle class, more poverty, and more racial division but then that is what his communist ideology creates.
If a working man is not given the privilege to enjoy the natural right and means of substance to earn a living for himself and his family as has happened throughout the Obama Presidency, it amounts to none other than governmental entrapment of those persons in an economically-dependent, poverty-stricken, government-controlled social class known as communism.
Something is terribly wrong with the President’s doctrine of social injustice which professes to support wealth equality and yet spends millions of tax revenue money on family vacations and millions upon millions more to promote an unpopular, costly health care system that forces people to enroll while it is doomed for failure.
Something is terribly wrong with Obama’s shocking pre-election lies and promises of a transparent government when government scandal cover-ups after the election became rampant and sanctioned administration policy.
Something is terribly wrong in the USA when President Obama’s administration is allowed to present skewed numbers to support Obamacare, goes unchallenged by the media, and won’t give accurate accounting figures to validate demographic healthcare enrollees. Americans will only find out the true numbers when billions more of our tax dollars are used to pay for Obama’s failed healthcare law that Democrats forced upon us.
Something is terribly wrong in the United States when handpicked presidential department heads in the IRS, Justice Department, and NSA are allowed to target opposing political parties for political gain, collect data on innocent Americans, destroy vital incriminating records, and lie to Congress without any ramification whatsoever.
Something is terribly wrong when the Department of Veterans Affairs receives bonus money after shamefully causing the death of America’s war heroes by repeatedly denying them proper health care.
Something is terribly wrong with our present government’s overspending social environment which creates inflation that reduces the value of the dollar and the purchasing power of America’s senior citizens for much needed food and medicine.
Something is terribly wrong when a President, who has taken an oath to preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, is allowed to violate that same Constitutional oath whenever and wherever it becomes convenient and to disregard separation of constitutional powers in order to maintain his personal communist agenda.
Something is terribly wrong in America when a presiding President can decide which legally legislated Congressional laws to enforce, which Congressional mandated laws to change without the Constitutional authority to do so, and which laws to simply disregard .
Something is terribly wrong with the present government social environment which discourages job creation, reduces our middle class tax base, restricts teaching, retards learning, tells schoolchildren what to eat, disregards morals, does away with disciplinary punishment, practically abolishes religious freedom, and blames the lack of money as the culprit of America’s declining academic standing in the world when jobs, freedom of choice, and proper administration of disciplined education are the keys to end the common peoples sad predicament of government dependency, raise their standard of living, increase their wealth, and improve society for all.
Something is terribly wrong in America when an American President has blood dripping from his hands as a result of his enticed racial division against our police force by his actions and with the use of his racial pimps Eric Holder, Bill de Blasio, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton (Obama’s go-to racial con-man pimp).
President Obama will be remembered more for the bereavement bestowed upon the American people, for the ruination of America’s economy, for the complete disregard of the American Constitution, for the downgrading of America’s creditability and trust in the world, for the lies he has told to the American people, for his leadership dysfunction, for promoting racial hatred in America, and for his bloodstained hands of racially motivated killings of policemen than for any accomplishment.
Never. When you are gone we will send them to Syria
This man thrives in lies – WATCH the MIA POPE video- Barry would prefer this lady be dead !
He can never tell the Truth,
He intends to make it so…that’s why he is going to import Muslims!
in his mind maybe ..