During a recent interview he gave to a French television channel, Obama incorrectly stated that the US is “One of the biggest Muslim nations.”
Actually, there are approximately 1.5 billion Muslims in the world and the number of Muslims in the US is approximately 0.3% of the total world Muslim population.
Watch after the break, as Obama seems to be dreaming of the future:
America we the people have had about enough of the race batters , Barack Hussein Obama, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Bill de Blasio, Eric Holder, and all the others who were part of the protests you all have blood one your hands. Now in New York we have two of the finest dead and in Florida we have another dead from all the trash that you spew out of your mouths. Their Blood is on your hands and it’s the same as if all of you pulled the trigger yourself . The ones that you say were killed were all breaking the law or does that matter, it seems not. We The People say it is enough, we are damm mad and if I were on the police force I would turn my back and not give you any protection. Each one of you are a disgrace to our Nation and all should be tarred and feathered for what you have stirred up . The only thing standing between us and the scum of the earth are the law and the police forces out there. I carry my gun at all times to protect my family and myself. I say now the police and law should keep their eyes open at all times and if in question shoot first for all of our law and police have a right to go home each and every day. America this is what you get when you turn your backs on God. We took him out of our schools and perverted marriage and say its all right to do as we want and now we are paying for the seeds that we have planted for now we are weeping what we have sowed. In the name of Jesus we ask for your forgiveness !
If Obama continues to get his way it just might before too long. Get rid of him and his racist wife
very interesting
It is about time some Christians decided to stand up for their faith.
!!! );
What he’s acomplishing is to insight a national riot so he can inflict martial law and bring his gestapo troops out to quash the outrage!
That’s what he thinks, He lies again
He is seriously deluded . . .
We are a Christian nation and never will be a Muslim nation.
He wishes that to be true , not gonna happen !!!!!!