This week, Barack Obama warned Trump not to overuse executive orders — a shocking statement coming from a man who almost exclusively relied on his executive power during his last term in office.
Barack Obama commands a unique place in the record books. Over the course of his tenure, he lost more seats in congress than any other American president in history. When he leaves in early 2017, he will hand the Republican Party majorities in the House, Senate, and White House for the first time in 100 years.
Obama’s vision for America failed spectacularly — so badly that he had to circumvent the democratically elected congress in order to get any of his agenda into law. These executive actions have often been illegal and have collectively added hundreds of business-crippling regulations to the books.
So it’s pretty ironic that he is now attempting to moderate Trump’s use of executive power. See his hypocritical statement on the next page:
Maybe Trump will grant Obama clemency…? lol
Coming from a man who did just that!
REALLY??? He should be the LAST ONE to give advice on this issue.
That’s a laugh.
The pot calling the Kettle black what a dufas!
Tip #1. Don’t ever listen to Obama!
I can’t stop laughing, that’s all that man did.
This divisive president, the worst in our history, not only flies $1.7 billion in cash, to the largest state sponsor of terrorism, but released known Islamic terrorists back onto the battlefield. He also promotes and allows, sanctuary cities to protect illegal violent felons, and open borders, while allowing thousands of unvetted, potential jihadist terrorists, into America. If there is any proof that any of these evil beasts, take a single American life, then obama should be held accountable, as a accomplice to the murder. He has also created more debt (doubling our National debt) than ALL presidents before him combined. The economy has NEVER been this low, than what it is under his so called leadership Obama has caused more damage and more racial division than and invading army ever could have.He is either totally inept, or he has an agenda to permanently damage our country and it’s people
the pot calling the kettle