It’s not just that Mr. Obama is intent on trying to secure some sort of positive legacy in the midst of so many policy failures, both domestic and foreign. That’s to be expected, as much as it is an effort that is expected to fail. He is also attempting to bury a bunch of political landmines, the purpose for which is to derail Mr. Trump as early in his administration as possible.
This doesn’t comes as much of a surprise. If you cannot point to any positive accomplishments of your own, at least you can try to denigrate your predecessor and successor in order to make you look better in comparison. It’s a cowardly, desperate effort, so there’s no surprise Mr. Obama appears to be pursuing this strategy.
Obama has now extended this strategy to the military, as we see on page two.
He is a pitiful excuse for a human being.
What is so insulting to we the American people is that He thinks we are so dumb that we would believe anything He would Say or Do.
I would recommend the troops protest him for being a Jihad terroist racist. Disrespecting white people,police country,and flag. Obama is apathetic,dismal .failure of a president. Will go down as THE all time worst American president of all time
Sorry military supports Trump
He is ridiculous! He thinks Trump is going to, listen to him? Yeah right!!
The troops love Trump. They hate President Obama.
Obama should be ashamed of himself for talking this way!
Lol he’s loony
He just can’t stand to give up his Throne that Congress has granted him. A real class act just like that thing he is married too