It’s not just that Mr. Obama is intent on trying to secure some sort of positive legacy in the midst of so many policy failures, both domestic and foreign. That’s to be expected, as much as it is an effort that is expected to fail. He is also attempting to bury a bunch of political landmines, the purpose for which is to derail Mr. Trump as early in his administration as possible.
This doesn’t comes as much of a surprise. If you cannot point to any positive accomplishments of your own, at least you can try to denigrate your predecessor and successor in order to make you look better in comparison. It’s a cowardly, desperate effort, so there’s no surprise Mr. Obama appears to be pursuing this strategy.
Obama has now extended this strategy to the military, as we see on page two.
It would have been great if many of these men would have stood up and started criticizing Obo. wonder if he would have them court martialed.
Next he will try to influence police support. If that occurs , I will be rolling in laughter on my floor!
This coming from a man who wouldn’t help a veteran in the whole of his political years, cut their pay and benefits, sent them to their deaths, and used them for his own gain, so now that they may be useful so now he is urging them to do his dirty work??
What a Jackass
From his birth certificate until his last day in office, he has undermined, insulted, abused, misused and slurred the military with his Islamic robe bunching up under his clothes. He is a delusional Sissy Man who with his husband, Michael, has taken country into a new dark age (no pun intended). Underneath the facade as an American, he is Moslem to his core. He has sacrificed many dedicated and honorable soldiers without remorse or acknowledgement. I’m sure he will continue with his husband to be divisive, disruptive and it’s a natural wonder the military doesn’t take action.against him.
F**k you odumbass you Anti-American communist muslim destroyer of America!
Arrest him for TREASON and Hang him
10/08/13 Obama tried to nuke america .web search it .
Lock him up if true. He would qualify as a domestic enemy.