In his weekly address on Saturday, President Obama lectured the nation on all the ways the global community is winning the war with ISIL. This seemed to be contradicted by the recent terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels that convinced many that we are actually losing the war on terror.
Not stopping there with contradictions, Obama said that while it is sure that we will win the war on terror, it is necessary to unleash another weapon alongside airstrikes, military, counterterrorism and diplomacy. And one that is not likely to have radical Islamists shaking in their sandals, but high-fiving with glee.
Expressions of confusion turned into jaw-dropping incredulity for Americans when Obama announced the nature of this new weapon, which you can read about on the next page.
I have never seen anyone with a more lack of common sense than obumo. This is like having an open door policy to death. It amazes me how he things. Does he really think they will stop killing because won’t. All people in the US are being put at risk by a President who promises ISIS will not be harmed no matter how many people they kill. I knew his stupidity had no limits, but this goes way beyond. He needs to be removed now no matter how it is done.
OBAMA can go straight to HELL!
What? I thought we kicked their$#%&!@*already with the global warming conference? No? Well what about when we stone cold took away their ability to make ISIS commercials by releasing the detainees from Gitmo? No?!! What’s wrong with these guys? Ok, ok. How’s about we just go on and bring out da big guns and give a hunnit and fiddy billion dollas to a nation that supports terrorism? WHAT? We already did that too??? C**p, I give up these guys are too tough………..
Lead by example and close the borders and deport illegals obozo you weak kneed pos!
As Ralph Peters would say,”You’re a$#%&!@*!!!!”
I still say let’s horse whip him and pour acid on him
From now on, all the POTUS’s of the US will never have to worry about being impeached or charged with treason, after all the things this POTUS has done and said to hurt our country, while Congress does nothing about it for 7-8 years.
I’m still trying to figure out what he’s smoking to have these reoccurring Hallucinations.
There killing Christians and there children and that’s your solution ?