In his weekly address on Saturday, President Obama lectured the nation on all the ways the global community is winning the war with ISIL. This seemed to be contradicted by the recent terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels that convinced many that we are actually losing the war on terror.
Not stopping there with contradictions, Obama said that while it is sure that we will win the war on terror, it is necessary to unleash another weapon alongside airstrikes, military, counterterrorism and diplomacy. And one that is not likely to have radical Islamists shaking in their sandals, but high-fiving with glee.
Expressions of confusion turned into jaw-dropping incredulity for Americans when Obama announced the nature of this new weapon, which you can read about on the next page.
They have waged war four 1400 years, have murdered over 270,000,000 people, and now we are just going to give up, that is what Obama think will work just be nice, and they will give up killing people, what a great ida, and then we will all be Mulsim.
Did he give them lolipopo
Wow just wow?
Be joining you in 2017!
Obama is a traitor to America!
Global community? America is a sovereign country and is NOT a global community YET! you POS.
muslims never contributed to anything except goatfucking
Barry draw another line in the sand!
You need to turn yourself in! You are the best weapon the ISSL have.
Maybe he wants to make them some cookies now . He’s a dumb$#%&!@*