While many will state that the UN has no jurisdiction in the United States, and that the UN Small Arms Treaty wasn’t ratified back in 2013, even though John Kerry signed it….that it will never be ratified, so we have nothing to worry about, right?
Wrong! Dead wrong…
Anyone who believes this isn’t familiar with the Hegelian Dialectic, and sees everything that can happen as a singular event that can be quickly seen and easily opposed.
With the Hegelian Dialectic, the communists create a problem, obtain a desired reaction, then offer up their solution. It’s a highly successful strategy and we have been falling for it for a long time.
Photo: realnewsaustralia.com
Don’t think for one second that these Marxists will ever just give up when encountering barriers to their agenda…especially when they have proven, time-tested tools at their disposal.
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This country has gone from bad to worse and we all sit here like bumps on logs just waiting Wait till u file taxes and u have no ins whose butt hole is all that money going in if u can’t afford monthly premiums how in the hell can the Feds make u pay more oh yeah because it’s the Feds we r a nation of FOOLS!!!!!!!!!
Come join conversations on the other side Mary Beth Hopkins, Anthony Matthews, Mary Beth Hopkins, if you had half the belief in your views as i do you would be telling people with the opposing views. I’m gonna invite you to some just to see if have it in you..
Oblablablama could make us a lot safer without the help of the UN by leaving office early, Oh yeah, Take Biden with you.
Come join conversations on the other side Mary Beth Hopkins, Cameron Montgomary, Anthony Matthews, Timothy Barkley, Mary Beth Hopkins, if you had half the belief in your views as i do you would be telling people with the opposing views. I’m gonna invite you to some just to see if have it in you..
Come join conversations on the other side Mary Beth Hopkins, Cameron Montgomary, Anthony Matthews, Timothy Barkley, Mary Beth Hopkins, if you had half the belief in your views as i do you would be telling people with the opposing views. I’m gonna invite you to some just to see if have it in you..
Nope no un and know more of the ahole obumma
Come join conversations on the other side Tom Hinton, Mary Beth Hopkins, Anthony Matthews, Timothy Barkley, Mary Beth Hopkins, if you had half the belief in your views as i do you would be telling people with the opposing views. I’m gonna invite you to some just to see if have it in you..
Dump the UN!!!
Whether you want to believe it we,are at war with radical islam. We need to roundup every Muslim refugee / terrorist in the United States and put them in camps in the desert to await deportation in the future. This would include Obama and his minions also Liberals that are wrong if you take into account 911 the attacks on our embassies and the bombing of the,USS Cole and Libya.
While this seems drastic the security of our country should be first not second. As you know Congress just funded the resettlement of 300000 more refugee/terrorists to enter our country. This was courtesy of the RINO’S IN CONGRESS .
The incident of 12/2/15 is,a clear indication of our government’s inability to properly vet them. A failure to check the,female radical that committed 14 murders and 22 injured. The vetting is a joke if it is not verified. They also deceive us and think that is okay. Qur’an 2:225, 3: 54 , 9:3, 16:10, 40:28.
It has also been reported that up to 9500 immigrants that have a known tie to terrorism can’t be found by the government. They revoked thier visas and let them go rather than deport them. This is your government at work on the vetting of Islamic immigrants. And the person in charge didn’t know when asked in a hearing on capital hill.
What scares me the most is our out of control administration we have. ISIS is training children some as young as three and women to kill. If this isn’t a wake-up call I don’t know what is. To those who disagree I say tough$#%&!@* You can post all you want and include the number of refugee / terrorists you would be willing to host if you,aren’t afraid.