While many will state that the UN has no jurisdiction in the United States, and that the UN Small Arms Treaty wasn’t ratified back in 2013, even though John Kerry signed it….that it will never be ratified, so we have nothing to worry about, right?
Wrong! Dead wrong…
Anyone who believes this isn’t familiar with the Hegelian Dialectic, and sees everything that can happen as a singular event that can be quickly seen and easily opposed.
With the Hegelian Dialectic, the communists create a problem, obtain a desired reaction, then offer up their solution. It’s a highly successful strategy and we have been falling for it for a long time.
Photo: realnewsaustralia.com
Don’t think for one second that these Marxists will ever just give up when encountering barriers to their agenda…especially when they have proven, time-tested tools at their disposal.
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Para que envían estas notas sin traducir?
Lying pos
and we all know what happened to$#%&!@*TG
Ever see ads on your news feed that say (suggested post) above them ? Those are from Facebook for Business. Use this to boycott them.
Nothing against the advertiser, except to say they paid Facebook for Business for this ad.
Everyone can see the need for social media sites, and the whole world is addicted so a boycott of Facebook just isn’t possible. However Facebook for Business is a whole different ball game.
….European countries being terrorized by Muslim refugees while their leftist/liberal government tells them to be more tolerant and pushes Facebook to “crack down” on post with negative views of refugees, Facebook agreed while at the same time allows ISIS to use its sites to recruit new terrorists !
No to the UN we need to get out of that devils playground their up to no good especially when it’s comes to the USA
This is America united we stand In God We Trust
make us safe,leave the white house ,go home
Now! That had better scare you!!!!!
UN has no authority in the US. Can’t be jailed for shooting invaders.
The people say NO to UN !!! Let them find and pay for a country of their own !!! Save US money !!!