While many will state that the UN has no jurisdiction in the United States, and that the UN Small Arms Treaty wasn’t ratified back in 2013, even though John Kerry signed it….that it will never be ratified, so we have nothing to worry about, right?
Wrong! Dead wrong…
Anyone who believes this isn’t familiar with the Hegelian Dialectic, and sees everything that can happen as a singular event that can be quickly seen and easily opposed.
With the Hegelian Dialectic, the communists create a problem, obtain a desired reaction, then offer up their solution. It’s a highly successful strategy and we have been falling for it for a long time.
Photo: realnewsaustralia.com
Don’t think for one second that these Marxists will ever just give up when encountering barriers to their agenda…especially when they have proven, time-tested tools at their disposal.
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These are scary times, Pauline. I am so concerned for my children and grandchildren.
ovomit just signed into action marshall law,,,next to press federal charges on bilary send her to jail,now sanders is alone?? nope,,,they have a GHOST candidate who steps in and wins the presidentcy,,who is the GHOST?? JOE BIDEN,,,who puts ovomit in a seat in the UN and now the real hell begins,,they’ve already flooded the market with worthless paper money,,we have racism,,ovomit has troops loyal to him,,now what you ask?? there will be NO 2016 election
They have no right, if he trying to do this it’s Treason.
Stand up for what is right and speaking your mind is far from whining. If you don’t think that Obama should be charged for his treasonous acts then your not much of an American. Majority of these career politicians have sold their souls to the enemy already. If you don’t like what I have to say don’t read it. Sounds like you need to do some history research to see how our forefathers treated traitors.
Absolutely not… My goal to elect on true Americans that will work for the people. Career politicians are not good for us.
F¥ck Obama
both can go to hell
A sack of lies.