While many will state that the UN has no jurisdiction in the United States, and that the UN Small Arms Treaty wasn’t ratified back in 2013, even though John Kerry signed it….that it will never be ratified, so we have nothing to worry about, right?
Wrong! Dead wrong…
Anyone who believes this isn’t familiar with the Hegelian Dialectic, and sees everything that can happen as a singular event that can be quickly seen and easily opposed.
With the Hegelian Dialectic, the communists create a problem, obtain a desired reaction, then offer up their solution. It’s a highly successful strategy and we have been falling for it for a long time.
Photo: realnewsaustralia.com
Don’t think for one second that these Marxists will ever just give up when encountering barriers to their agenda…especially when they have proven, time-tested tools at their disposal.
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They don’t care about that.
They are also on a depopulation agenda. That’s why Obama plans to kill 120 million Christians.
And they use them to their benefit. Ingenious plan but morally wrong on so many levels.
America is the last piece of the gun puzzle. American gun owners (when working together) is larger than every other Army on earth combined ! America is the single largest domino in their Global Government game. When you understand the FULL implications of that, everything that is going on in America (and the world) becomes clearer !
If Obama becomes head of the UN we’ll be in deep trouble. We’ve already seen what he’s capable of.
Congress has bought a reservation for their families in a place in NWO. You should google all this it’s there to tell you their plans. So far it has worked perfectly eith no wrenches in the plan at all.
The UN needs to say the HELL out of America. Send them packing from NY. They have no business telling us what to do. Obama will do anything he can to destroy America.
And soon. Maybe a plan for the March scheduled on D.C. later.
f**k the un
#DonaldTrump…..Proud Michigan female Voting TRUMP for President and will not back down. Idiot Dumocrats are running scared now!!