In a live broadcast addressed leaders of American Jewish organizations to defend his nuclear deal with Iran.
He said that he understood that the Israelis were upset that the United States was negotiating with Iran at the same time rockets were hitting their cities and Iranian leaders were denying that the Holocaust ever happened.
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Have , that’s why you only celebrate half of March where Michele celebrates the whole
Another lie!
Just pure evil we want this idiot gone one way or the other
This Man is the most pathetic huckster, race-baiter of all time. also a lier and a treatior.
He’s African alright, American, not so sure…
he is african – He is no american-
Then Obama says to Christians it is now illegal for them to discuss their personal persecutions and harm done for being Christians? 2-Face
Not mine either. Never was.He did’nt get my vote to begin with.
Je Suis Palestine. Right of return