In a live broadcast addressed leaders of American Jewish organizations to defend his nuclear deal with Iran.
He said that he understood that the Israelis were upset that the United States was negotiating with Iran at the same time rockets were hitting their cities and Iranian leaders were denying that the Holocaust ever happened.
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you were born in Hawaii Kenya, Africa , thats why he doesn’t want anyone to see his real Birth Certificate because, he is not a US Citizen !!!
Obama Bin Lyin strikes again! He is a muslim and he wants to destroy Israel, the Jews and Christians!
What about his white heritage, his white mother and white grandparents who raised him? Never does he express any gra$#%&!@*ude towards them. His black father was absent in his life, yet this fact fits his misguided agenda perfectly. A psychiatric evaluation would be very interesting.
No, you have no idea how it feels to be jewish and you have never suffered through communist persecution so because you are Black you think you have suffered ? Every one no matter the heritage has suffered from one form of racism,and I don’t think you making it to the W.H. seems like you have suffered much. It is your arrogance that gets in the way of being a true leader.
I understand Black persecution because I am White!! This makes about as much sense..
Oh you must be joking!!!!!!
Really! I remember him telling Oprah he wasn’t black and her mouth hit the floor! Is isn’t it nice that he picks and chooses what he is when it suits home! I think George Jefferson called it out the best, he’s a Zebra! Lol
He understands being persecuted for stupidity too.
he is not african american he is straight muslim and not from america at all