In a live broadcast addressed leaders of American Jewish organizations to defend his nuclear deal with Iran.
He said that he understood that the Israelis were upset that the United States was negotiating with Iran at the same time rockets were hitting their cities and Iranian leaders were denying that the Holocaust ever happened.
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u no hes stupid and hates everyone so why bother talking to hm ..he will get whats coming to him in the lords good time
That’s something a Muslim would say
what you frigging $#%&!@*wipe
he understands persecution cuz hes doin the persecution…. when will people stop payin attention to this clown….
He’s a Kenyan Muslim raised in Indonesia . Educated my Muslims funded by George Soros and radical leftists to destroy America and capitalism using the Piven plan and rules for radicals . Pushing agenda 21 and attempting to disarm American people despite the fact that it’s a cons$#%&!@*utional protected inalienable god given or natural right . He’s Marxist inspired s$#%&!@* . A total fraud with a dead man’s ssn. Forged do$#%&!@*ents. F**e family photos and a manufactured life story . He’s a fraud . A Marxist mole and a Muslim plant . Look whom funded his education . Whom groomed him . Frank marshal Davis a card carrying communist on the fbi communist watch list . William ayers whom started his political career in his home with the aid of the Democratic Socialists of America . The D S A . A communist front group . He’s a traitor as he armed and funded hamas and the Muslim brotherhood with funneled tax payer dollars. Hundred of thousands of dollars of our tax money to our enemies . Over 400 surface to air missiles stolen from.benghazi . Fast and furious . Wake up . This man is evil . Investigate his illegal activity and his fraud now . Rule of law much ??????
Obozo doesn’t support us American ,either !! And I can’t see how the hell he got electedTWICE !!!,oh I get he got elected by bunch of dummies and dead people !!
Half black
Bet you believed the mayan calendar to????
Jesus said no man nor angel nor Himself knows the day or hour only God the Father does.
He said we’d know when its near, even at the door but no man can predict the time.
Unending arrogance.
You are HALF and HALF