Barack Obama recently boasted in Britain that his greatest accomplishment as president was “saving the world economy from a Great Depression.” Yes, the president claimed that he single-handedly came in and rescued the world from certain economic doom. And if you listen to Hillary Clinton or the administration, everything here at home is just dandy — well, except for those things that are somehow still George W Bush’s fault.
Though the unemployment rate has fallen, it really does not provide an accurate picture of the amount of people who are underemployed or have simply given up on finding a job. Many financial experts warn that another stock market crash is in the near future, and data shows that the economy is still not generating a healthy inflation level.
Furthermore, before President Obama stakes his claim as economic savior of the world, he may want to check out a new report that shows he is on track to be the first United States president to never deliver a year of 3% or higher GDP growth.
To read about the Commerce Department’s announcement of anemic GDP growth and where President Obama ranks among U.S. presidents, continue reading on the next page:
Like he cares
And don’t forget that he proclaimed the world to be a peace. The man is a saint…oh, but muslims don’t have saints. OK, he’s a goat.
But Obama said the econony was growing. . You know with Wal-Mart, and Sears, and Macys closing stores , Americans being replaced with other people from other countries … we’re doing just great .
At least he didnt hold hands like a former president
Wake Up America!! You the Silent Majority needs to get off your$#%&!@* and Vote for who is going to Make America Great Again!! It’s is not a democrat, or lying guy from TX either. Both are financed by big business and special interest groups. Both are just a poor choice to be in office specially after the fool in office now!! If the Republican party takes this away from the one with the most votes, regardless if he reached that magic number, he’s has the best interest of our country in mind if not, why are there so many fools from both sides trying to tear him down?? Its FEAR that is in their minds, fear of losing their gravy train!! And don’t give a dam about us and the USA!!! Wake Up America!! Let’s get together and Make America Great Again!!!
More like a devil. He is evil and I don’t trust him in any way.
God I cant wait for this trash to be in the landfill.
There must be an inventory and fumigation of the White House.
I think all the obamaasssss r ____ nuts. All should be committed.
Celebrating the day this n leaves office
The only success under his watch is destroying America!
what ever it is, its probably a fabricated number like everything else