Barack Obama recently boasted in Britain that his greatest accomplishment as president was “saving the world economy from a Great Depression.” Yes, the president claimed that he single-handedly came in and rescued the world from certain economic doom. And if you listen to Hillary Clinton or the administration, everything here at home is just dandy — well, except for those things that are somehow still George W Bush’s fault.
Though the unemployment rate has fallen, it really does not provide an accurate picture of the amount of people who are underemployed or have simply given up on finding a job. Many financial experts warn that another stock market crash is in the near future, and data shows that the economy is still not generating a healthy inflation level.
Furthermore, before President Obama stakes his claim as economic savior of the world, he may want to check out a new report that shows he is on track to be the first United States president to never deliver a year of 3% or higher GDP growth.
To read about the Commerce Department’s announcement of anemic GDP growth and where President Obama ranks among U.S. presidents, continue reading on the next page:
the liar in charge~ the great mystery of my life, is (how the he– did the American people vote this cat into office??) *thanks for second career, man… (not)
Fuckin’ loser…
TOTAL FAILURE, as a man, a president and definately as a leader.
Sure is full of himself, isn’t he? He says it, the complicit news media repeats it, and it magically becomes true.
Evil looking devil
David Folk
This$#%&!@*didn’t deliver anything but misery to the American people
Linda Peters Really? Sometimes its worth my time to help various people out.
First, its pretty clear you hate Obama because he is black.
Second, the handoff from one president to the next can be positive(Clinton handed your boy W a surplus- look up surplus on google) or negative (W handed Obama a multi TRILLION (google Trillion) deficit. The concept of deficit will be a challenge for you, but hang in there, I know you can do it. A tutor will help, in your case probably a necessity.
So even though W left office 8 years ago his negative legacy continues.
Tip: you and your family will be paying taxes, to pay off Bush’s Unnecessary War, for the next decade.
Finally, I will leave it up to you and your tutor to develop a rudimentary understanding how the multi TRILLION$ deficit impacted your tax burden.
That’s a very complex concept. Be patient with yourself, it will take time, but you will get it.
In the meantime your posts only confirm your very low standing in the hierarchy of intelligence and common sense. Unfortunately, no one has a solution for your condition.
Obama is such a dark soul. He is definitely left of heavin. When his passion is disappointing true blooded American born citizens, all should see he is a form of pure EVIL.