The President asserts that the deal with Iran offers solid assurance that they’ll comply with the prohibition on obtaining or developing nuclear weapons because it allows any time/anywhere inspections to prove they are toeing the line. The actual agreement allows anything BUT anytime/anywhere inspections by the organization responsible for the inspections, the IAEA.
Instead, as Ed Morrissey explains over at HotAir, inspectors must wait weeks,
…and hope that the Joint Commission and Iran can come to an agreement on access. That’s hardly an anytime-anywhere situation, and offers lots of room for Iran to stall or stonewall the IAEA — a habit they’ve developed over the years already.
For what it’s worth, here’s Obama’s official statement on the deal as shown on MSNBC:
They both can rot in hell.
Oh yes. There really is an Easter bunny and Santa Claus and leprechauns an the sky is green. Etc.
when a politician says trust me feel for your billfold and your back for a knife