Since the beginning of the Iranian nuclear deal, a deal that waxes a “smidgen” toward total trust of Iranian leaders who have shouted “Death to America”, there have been those critics who remind us:
Obama’s critics have slammed him for negotiating with the Iranian regime, which denies the Holocaust and funds terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah.
Ben Carson took it even further, suggesting the “deal” itself is proof enough Obama is an anti-semite:
“I think anything is anti-Semitic if it’s against the survival of a state that is surrounded by enemies and by people who want to destroy them,” Carson said this month on Fox News Sunday. “And to sort of ignore that and to act like everything is normal there and that these people are paranoid is anti-Semitic.”
Let’s look at a list of Obama’s actions and friends to see if there is any evidence:
…closely associated with Jew haters and Israel bashers his entire life, including Frank Marshall Davis, Edward Said, Rashid Khalidi, Khalid al-Mansour, Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers (who dedicated one of his books, Prairie Fire to Sirhan Sirhan) and George Soros, to name just a few.
Participated in and helped organize the Nation Of Islam’s ‘Million Man March’ with Louis Farrakhan, one of the worst public exhibitions of Jew hatred in American history.
Spent two decades in a rabidly anti-Israel church with a harshly ‘anti-Zionist’ pastor.
Has noted anti-Semite Al Sharpton as an intimate who is frequently at the White House and whom helps in determining political strategy. And has a number of servile, secular Leftist Jews in his employ, including the folks at J Street, the anti-Israel organization he created with George Soros as a cover.
Gave out the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Jew haters like Bishop Tutu, and to anti-Israel UN functionary Mary Robinson, who officiated over the the infamous Durban Conference and did nothing to stop it.
On record as saying he wanted to create ‘daylight; between America and Israel, and insists on creating 500,000 Jewish refugees and moving Israel back to indefensible borders. And best pals with Samantha Power, who wrote that the US should send its army to impose this and forcibly evict the Jews. Also, has said publicly that Israel has no rights to its religious sites in Jerusalem and must give them up to ‘Palestine’. Refused to honor guarantees made by the Bush Administration as part of the Road Map to include Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria as part of Israel in any peace settlement as a quid pro quo for Israel’s disengagement from Gaza.Openly lied and said they never existed.
Gave out more money to the Arabs whom call themselves Palestinians, including Hamas, than any other president in history. Armed and trained two combat brigades under the PLO and armed and trained Hezbollah, an officially designated terrorist group.
The only president since Israel became an ally in 1970 ever to hold up arms
shipments during a shooting war. And actually put in place an arms embargo on Israel for his first three months in office.Check.
illegally Interfered directly in Israel’s last election with money and operatives, and threw a tantrum when that failed.
And finally, put together a farcical deal with the genocidal Iran that will
allow them to have a clear path towards nuclear weapons. And has used
anti-semitic themes and buzz words against people who opposed it.Check.
It was Jesse Jackson (yet another Obama associate with less than complimentary views of Jews) , who has known the Obamas for decades who famously said in 2008 ” Now that Obama’s elected, the Zionists are going to lose all their clout.”
There are those who say the Zionists, those Israelis who are fanatical– are engaged in some sort of cabal to “take over the world”. Like George Soros(Jewish in name only) who are not loyal to anything but themselves, funding the extreme left, and appear to be trying to take over the “world”. Yet, in these times, when talking about terrorism, and giving nuclear power to a country who is on the record as wanting the destruction of the “big” satan (America) and “little” satan (Israel) Obama has just armed those who are without a doubt, on the record–does that make him “anti-american” too?
Source: The Hill
Source: Joshuapundit
Is Hillary his step-sister?
Take the yamacah off you are disgracing the Jewish people !
Pathological evil lying tool of satan and soros!
@[6815841748:274:Barack Obama] push forward his daughter but the daughter complains of age sh-owned stylishly her own age-mate. I am 49years of age, God sent me to program the whole world to gain eternity. The delay of my wedding day is the world’s fault.
didnt clinton leave a smidgen on monicas dress? And there isnt a smidgen of proof he is qualified to be president either!!!
Right. I absolutely believe him. He’s never lied to the American People. He is so a muslim.
In islam they are able to deceive and lie to accomplish what they want
Liar by omission and failure to answer any direct question. Look at his cabinet and closest advisors. All the people who slid him into office. All Muslims and or socialists. George Sorso, bill Ayers etc. mrs. Clinton is also involved. 2008 & 2012.