During a press briefing in July 2015, Obama stated “with the additional steps I ordered last month, we’re speeding up training of ISIL forces,” a slip up that was ‘corrected’ on the Whitehouse.gov website.
This was no slip of the tongue, it was Freudian. The US has been training and arming ISIS forces for years.
See the next page for examples of US support of ISIS:
Did you see. America tested a f**e nuclear weapon and but new nuclear bombs. But why thought Obama said his 1st year in office we where destroying our nukes. All lies they build them smaller more powerful and less radioactive fallout. Twice the boom less messy but more deadly.
Not a slip, Hillary armed them as Secretary of Defense.
I heard him say it, why is that General not doing any thing is he Stupid, he can arrest Obama on the spot as a trader. Looks like he is in shock.
Amen brother! You said it all. I’ve been on FB for a few months now saying everything you just said and this is what I get from Liberals “you’re an idiot”, that’s the extent of their vocabulary it seems. Obamadoesntcare!!!!! He is the “useless idiot”!!
That makes him $#%&!@* and the number 1 m$#%&!@* murderer of the 21st century. He is responsible for all the innocent victims and Christians m$#%&!@*acred, raped and mutilated, all the desecration in Iraq, all that senseless killing, all that blood is on his head. Karma will come one way or another. If not on him directly, his seed will carry that guilt.
He hates it when he slips and tells the truth
He is ther leader we let them infiltrate our highest athority..
now he can say he told you. There are no repercussions and that shows the world just how weak and simple the Americans are. the closer it gets to the 18th, the more bold Obama gets. I guess he thinks ISIS was joking when they said they would cut off his head. but it won’t be that kind if they get him. They will treat him and torture him like the did Amb$#%&!@*ador Chris.