During a press briefing in July 2015, Obama stated “with the additional steps I ordered last month, we’re speeding up training of ISIL forces,” a slip up that was ‘corrected’ on the Whitehouse.gov website.
This was no slip of the tongue, it was Freudian. The US has been training and arming ISIS forces for years.
See the next page for examples of US support of ISIS:
Get a rope
Why are we training isil? Where are the Generals and.Congress?
Hes willing to train isis while hes kicking out U.S. military members. Hes a muslim. People stop being so stupid. Wake up.
And we accidentally airdrop supplies on top of them tooo…does our GPS system make errors? This happens too often to be accidental…is this not treason?
The days of uniformed battles and knowing the enemy are gone. We are no longer fighting government en$#%&!@*ies or organized militaries. When you are fighting those people there a chance that some of the average soldiers are not fully invested or that the military can stage a coup to bolster established ranks and produce military ran countries. As ill trained and amateur as ISIS may be their willingness and desire to fight is one thing that simply can’t be questioned. They aren’t fighting for country. They are fighting for an idea. And you can’t kill an idea. Ideas are bulletproof. You can spot an enemy uniform a mile away. There’s no telling what idea may reside in those we train. The bad part is we can’t back out at this point. All the lives lost and dollars spent would be for naught. When Bush led us into this was there never was an exit plan. Our presence in the Middle East is now necessary to validate our efforts, but it is that very efforts that stokes the embers of ISIS. All it takes for someone to get that “idea” in their head is to see a U.S tank roll down their street one day or a family member accosted for having s weapon. This conflict is perpetual. We will never leave the Middle East. We just have to do our best to stop these rogue groups in the hopes we can do it before their influence reaches government level or critical m$#%&!@*…
i dont think our american forces would do that obama would but not our forces
Which is why we must rely on actions and not words. I could care less if someone mistakes a word or slips a sentence. I look at their actions and I think Obama has taken many necessary actions against ISIS (even in defiance of the War Powers Act). His use of drones is unprecedented. I realize you may not like the man from a political level but I find it hard to understand those who believe he is actually a Muslim or secretly supports those we are fighting. It’s just tinfoil hat wearing nonsense to me. Obama has wielded his military power quite freely and without hesitation in many cases. I fully believe he’s in it to stop ISIS from growing and wants them gone as much as the average soldier or American.
He is funding them and supplying them with weapons too!!
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