During a press briefing in July 2015, Obama stated “with the additional steps I ordered last month, we’re speeding up training of ISIL forces,” a slip up that was ‘corrected’ on the Whitehouse.gov website.
This was no slip of the tongue, it was Freudian. The US has been training and arming ISIS forces for years.
See the next page for examples of US support of ISIS:
TRUTH : Obama is a Egomaniacal, anti-CHRIST, anti-WHITE, anti-AMERICA, antic-Semitic, anti-Cop, PRO-ISLAM JIHADIST.
Islam is SEDITIOUS (insubordination, insurrection, mutiny, treason, agitation, defiance, disobedience , dissent, insurgence, insurgency, revolt, revolution and uprising) against every nation and government on earth. Islam demands that all muslims work to overthrow all nations, governments and non-sharia laws.
Shows—he is still on Drugs
God Please as I am old and do not wish my days away I still ask of you make the next year and and half go quickly and please control this idiot before he does us more harm.
No doubt!
O your doing a great job for isil. It’s easy to tell where your loyalty is.
Right from the horses mouth
Better be far more concerned if its Hillary in the office.