During a press briefing in July 2015, Obama stated “with the additional steps I ordered last month, we’re speeding up training of ISIL forces,” a slip up that was ‘corrected’ on the Whitehouse.gov website.
This was no slip of the tongue, it was Freudian. The US has been training and arming ISIS forces for years.
See the next page for examples of US support of ISIS:
Mr. Mental Illness himself.
Just like when he called Michelle “Mike” in front of hundreds at the podium, but no one corrected him.
He’s telling the truth that ain’t no slip!
Remind anyone else of when Obama accidentally admitted to a “Muslim Faith?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMUgNg7aD8M
Aint that the truth! It’s what happens when he goes off the reservation that is his teleprompter. Lol. …and why he has to stay on track, therein, even when talking to 5th Graders! Heh, heh.
Yep, he said it!
How does a man in uniform stand behind him?
Paying them as well
Impeach this traitor.