Throughout his time in office, Obama has actively worked to attract more Muslims to join the Military and Pentagon – the former officially having 4500 Muslims, the Pentagon stated back in 2014. The number of Muslims in the Pentagon hasn’t been released.
“Our nation and our entire military family remain stronger because of the service and sacrifice of people of all faiths, including the thousands of patriotic Muslim Americans who have served and still serve in this long period of war,” Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work stated earlier last year.
But getting more Muslims to join isn’t the only objective, hiring them into upper level positions that were cleared out as part of Obama’s ‘litmus test’ has also been on the agenda.
F**k off Obama
Track all you want, Trump will clean house
This poor excuse of a man has commited more acts of treason than anyone in the history of our country. He is the first President to commit treason. Our congress does nothing. The man should have been kicked out a long time ago.
How many days does this puke have left? TRUMP WILL ERASE THIS TREASONOUS TRAITOR.
New World Order Take Over – Wake up Odumbass is for ISIS/BLM/Illegal Aliens and wants a Muslim/Raciest/Illegal Alien take over , what did you think when he said fundamental change, those who voted for him are dumbasses, Anyone or anything that is for ISIS/Racists BLM/ illegal Aliens and the spread of Islam/Racism/Hate Against Americans should be dealt with, with Extreme Prejudice, he’s setting us up for attacks (and force us to Defend our Rights and Ourselves) so he can declare martial law to suspend the Election/Government!!!! To stay in power!!!! He’s pushing this And Clintons are for the same, Wake Up!!!!
obummer HATES this Nation, SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Should arrest this low life$#%&!@*This guy is a fucking traitor.Put him in prison.Better yet hang this commie muslim cockroach.
What does it take to call that POS a TRAITOR? What??????
Is anyone still ignorant enough to proclaim he isn’t a Muslim or Muslim operative.