Throughout his time in office, Obama has actively worked to attract more Muslims to join the Military and Pentagon – the former officially having 4500 Muslims, the Pentagon stated back in 2014. The number of Muslims in the Pentagon hasn’t been released.
“Our nation and our entire military family remain stronger because of the service and sacrifice of people of all faiths, including the thousands of patriotic Muslim Americans who have served and still serve in this long period of war,” Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work stated earlier last year.
But getting more Muslims to join isn’t the only objective, hiring them into upper level positions that were cleared out as part of Obama’s ‘litmus test’ has also been on the agenda.
And he is STILL allowed to go on and on and on… why ?
That’s wrong
Have you ever thought about why blacks are for immigration and you do not see black leaders trying to stop the Muslims from going there to the States? Ever thought about why blacks are always saying whites are the racist ones or that whites are the privileged ones? That is how they keep their hate alive for the white peoples. Pres Obama is a Muslim he hates the whites as much as his racist priest Wright or the black panthers or BLM or Louis Farrakhaun . Blacks know they need as many Muslims here as they can get for their war on whites. Muslims know they can use the millions of Blacks in the America to kill white Christians That is what the Obamas are all about , making the Americas into a Muslim country and to murder off the hated white people .
This pos needs to be thrown in prison
Make sure they know the jobs are short-term
Obama is just one of many who want to bring down America. We can defeat this by repenting and returning to God. That is the only way. The Chrisians today must take the lead and repent. They must ask for forgiveness for the sins of America. We must get the Bible back in our schools and God back in our lives. We don’t know Jesus any more. God can change this. Russians are returning to God. They have Bibles in their classrooms!!!! God will make them the leading nation of the world if they obey Him. We must obey Him also.
America will not be Islamic never ever In God WE trust
It is time for the military to take over Washington…..send Obama out of the country…Iran can have him