Throughout his time in office, Obama has actively worked to attract more Muslims to join the Military and Pentagon – the former officially having 4500 Muslims, the Pentagon stated back in 2014. The number of Muslims in the Pentagon hasn’t been released.
“Our nation and our entire military family remain stronger because of the service and sacrifice of people of all faiths, including the thousands of patriotic Muslim Americans who have served and still serve in this long period of war,” Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work stated earlier last year.
But getting more Muslims to join isn’t the only objective, hiring them into upper level positions that were cleared out as part of Obama’s ‘litmus test’ has also been on the agenda.
Instead of letting our Soldiers do all the work how about We the People do something… “An injustice Anywhere is an injustice Everywhere”: #DrMartinLutherKingJr.. Do YOU want the N.W.O., ie the U.N. to rule You and America?
We are this Countries Militia… We must do what’s needed… ‘Someone In This Generation
Is Gonna Make A NOISE That’s Gonna Shake The Nation”.
A verse out of the song “WarDrum”…
#SirDJTrumpSr. is that someone… #BlueCollarsforTrump..I am Not defined by ANY Political party… I am only an American, by BLOOD… #AmericansFirst…#GodblessAmerica.#SirDonaldJTrumpSr. for #POTUS 2016… #GiveUsTrump or #GiveUsWar…. #DJTrumpSrTowersAboveTheCompetition… #AnAmericanPatriot.#MadeinAmerica. #BornintheUSA. #Americans For #Trump… #AmericanMade. #Trump for #POTUS 2016 #American values. #DJTrumpSr. For #POTUS. #AmericansMatter… Without righteous morality our liberty will lead to a loss of order than our order will lead to a loss of liberty.
Obama is committing treason he needs arrested!
Obama tracking Muslims for US ??? Hell, that’s worse than the Fox Guarding the Hen House !:))
Why hasn’t he been impeached?
He’s not black he’s by gender
Still a peace of$#%&!@*
Obama you are a joke
You need to be born in the country to have any kind of position in the pentagon.
Some one needs to kill this son of a bitch
He can’t be stropped because of the support he gets from the republican party. vote TRUMP and stop this socialist$#%&!@*