Across the board, Obama has been placing Muslim Brotherhood members in key positions within the government, as detailed by 3-star General William Boykin.
4-Star Admiral Lyons, who presided over the largest military command in the world, has come out more than once America that our entire government has been completely infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood.
We have already busted Muslim infiltrators sending military secrets to Egypt.
In the military specifically, Obama has not only been hiring Muslim Brotherhood members as chaplains, but has been firing many of our higher and middle level commanders, such as the 1,100 captains and 500 majors towards the end of 2014, in order to replace them with his Muslim brethren.
It’s already well-known that Obama has fired 200 of the military’s top commanders for very flimsy reasons over the past few years. The main objective being to get rid of those who won’t act against the American people. This ‘litmus test’ as identified by Pentagon officials, ex-CIA, ex-military, etc, is quite simply “Would you fire on the American people.”
Furthermore, Obama is firing 30,000 soldiers while hiring illegals directly into our military. While this is currently limited in number, you can bet that when it gets close to hitting the fan he will step up the pace. Obama will need to surround himself with his own loyal SS.
As the Washington Times reported in May of 2014, Obama has plans to use the military against U.S. citizens.
While many would still balk at this idea, one only has to look at his actions to see that he is indeed creating a military made up of those who would have no problem acting against American citizens.
The leftist New York Times states that the current number of Muslims is below the figure officially stated by the Pentagon back in 2014:
Just 3,939 troops currently list their faith as Islam, according to Pentagon data. They make up just 0.3 percent of the military; Muslims are estimated to make up about 1 percent of the civilian population.
From 2014:
The U.S. military currently has 4,500 uniformed Muslims, the Pentagon said on
July 3. It was not clear how the Pentagon identified the Muslims. The department
has not given statistics on members of other religious faiths.In 2009, a U.S. Army Maj. Nidal Hasan, shouting “God is great,”
opened fire and killed 13 of his colleagues. Later, authorities acknowledged
that Hasan, a psychiatrist, was linked to Al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula.Critics have accused the administration of promoting Islam as the
preferential faith in the United States. Over the last year, a senior
adviser to the Homeland Security Department, Mohamed Elibiary, issued a
statement that said the U.S. Constitution was “Islamically compliant” and
that a Muslim caliphate was “inevitable.”“I said America was an Islamic country not a Muslim country,” Elibiary
said in a Twitter post on June 30.On July 3, Work attended the annual Pentagon ceremony of Iftar, or the evening dinner after a day-long fast that continues throughout the Muslim month of Ramadan. The Pentagon has been conducting the ceremony since 1998 in commemoration of Islam.
“Tonight is an opportunity for people of different faiths to come
together in the spirit of respect and tolerance to share the richness of our
beliefs and to enjoy the traditions of hospitality that are such an
important part of the Muslim community,” Work said.The Pentagon, which hired Saudi-sponsored groups to raise awareness, has
reported the employment of 1,000 Muslims. Officials said they included
civilians and contractors for the Defense Department.In his address, Work quoted Obama as saying that Ramadan reminded Americans of the principles of peace, justice and equality. The deputy
secretary also urged those at the Iftar to remember their responsibility to
the defense of the United States.
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Anyone who can’t see what he is doing is blind! God help us!
F/OFF$#%&!@*pos !