According to Judge Napolitano, Obama is not only breaking the law, he’s telling 11 million immigrants how to break the law and get away with it.
“The president of the United States said to 11 million illegal immigrants, ‘Hey, do A, B, C, D, and E, and I won’t deport you,’” Judge Napolitano stated. “Where’d he get A, B, C, D, and E from? He made it up. So instead of enforcing the law, he’s telling 11 million people how to avoid obeying the law.”
Obama’s message to us all: Law? What law? I AM the law.
Judge Andrew Napolitano said Thursday on “Special Report with Bret Baier” that while the number of executive orders President Obama has issued may not outnumber those of his predecessors, the types of actions he has pursued are cause for concern.
“The president of the United States said to 11 million illegal immigrants, ‘Hey, do A, B, C, D, and E, and I won’t deport you,’” Judge Napolitano, Fox News’ senior judicial analyst, said. “Where’d he get A, B, C, D, and E from? He made it up. So instead of enforcing the law, he’s telling 11 million people how to avoid obeying the law.”
Napolitano said Congress is fed up with presidents taking action without the legislative branch. He said the charge this week from Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., that the CIA was spying on Senate staffers may cause lawmakers to demand more control.
“The dramatic change on enough is enough with the spying will cause the Congress, I believe, to begin to take back power it has been ceding to presidents since the New Deal,” he said.
Correct Doreen!!
Obama is 100% an Alien. Why has he not been arrested and sent back to Kenya ?
Police: You are public servants! You are being charged with not upholding the law. If you come across an illegal alien, shoot first ask questions later. That is your job! Security of America and as of RIGHT NOW I’d give you a failing grade. oscama is an illegal alien and should hang for TREASON! Allowing illegals to cross the border illegally is an act of TREASON! Aiding and abetting illegal aliens is an act of TREASON! Selling weapons to those considered enemies is an act of TREASON.
both Obama’s should be in prison for treason theft that’s just to start with,
God sees through obama’s color scam, and sees the evil. If God were to see fit to remove obama, He would not have to strive and strain with people or proceedures. He could simply do it. Keep praying. Retweet this!
And why isn’t he impeached? Seriously, the ones who are allowing this should also be punished.
impeach.stop draging your heels and do it..
he has no honor
Criminals hand together, you know, birds of a feather fly together.