According to Judge Napolitano, Obama is not only breaking the law, he’s telling 11 million immigrants how to break the law and get away with it.
“The president of the United States said to 11 million illegal immigrants, ‘Hey, do A, B, C, D, and E, and I won’t deport you,’” Judge Napolitano stated. “Where’d he get A, B, C, D, and E from? He made it up. So instead of enforcing the law, he’s telling 11 million people how to avoid obeying the law.”
Obama’s message to us all: Law? What law? I AM the law.
Judge Andrew Napolitano said Thursday on “Special Report with Bret Baier” that while the number of executive orders President Obama has issued may not outnumber those of his predecessors, the types of actions he has pursued are cause for concern.
“The president of the United States said to 11 million illegal immigrants, ‘Hey, do A, B, C, D, and E, and I won’t deport you,’” Judge Napolitano, Fox News’ senior judicial analyst, said. “Where’d he get A, B, C, D, and E from? He made it up. So instead of enforcing the law, he’s telling 11 million people how to avoid obeying the law.”
Napolitano said Congress is fed up with presidents taking action without the legislative branch. He said the charge this week from Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., that the CIA was spying on Senate staffers may cause lawmakers to demand more control.
“The dramatic change on enough is enough with the spying will cause the Congress, I believe, to begin to take back power it has been ceding to presidents since the New Deal,” he said.
Lets see when the Japanese attack us again
What is wrong with this picture?
The picture is of the five first line US nuclear carriers docked together in one place. Just like Battleship Row, Pearl Harbor , December 7, 1941.
This picture was taken the February 2014 in Norfolk , Virginia … Obama ordered 5 nuclear carriers into harbor for “routine” (?) inspections. Heads of the
Navy were flabbergasted by the directive but had to comply as it was a direct order from their Commander-in-Chief.
The carriers were all pulled out from the MIDDLE EAST and the Afghanistan support role leaving our land forces naked and exposed!
NORFOLK , VA. (February 8, 2014). This is the first time since WWII that five nuclear powered aircraft carriers were docked together. USS Dwight D.
Eisenhower (CVN 69), USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77), USS Enterprise (CVN 65), USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75), and USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72)
are all in port at Naval Station Norfolk , Va. , the world’s largest naval station.
Knowledgeable sources stated that this breached a long standing military protocol in the Navy meant to avoid a massive enemy strike on major US forces.
(U..S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Ryan J. Courtade/Released).
Obama is ‘Commander in chief’.
This ordering of most of the Navy’s capitol ships into one place is unprecedented since Pearl Harbor ! This could be the creation of a false flag atomic
incident too stupid for any enemy to pass up.
one of the million crimes that bastard tyrant has committed, impeach and imprison him!!!
Funny how the media just totally ignores all of this, but then, they are in obozo’s back pocket.
Impeach the monkey
So why isn’t anyone actually doing something about this $#%&!@* poser?
I have been saying for a Very Long time that ALL of the Fed., State, & City officials who give Sanctuary (sanctuary cities & States) to Illegal Aliens or don’t enforce Our Immigration Laws are guilty of Violating their Oath of Office and AIDING in the commission of a CRIME which is against the law!!! The Officials should be PUNISHED Criminally… Most of the time if one AIDS in the Commission Of A Crime they receive the SAME Penalty as the one who committed the crime! So maybe we should DEPORT the Officials along with the Illegal Aliens the AIDED to the Illegals Home Country!!!! Think about that one!!!
Put him in jail
Just as Texas is part of the United States, Crimea will be part of Russia, again.
The United States, the United Nations, and NATO have no jurisdiction in Crimea.
The United States, the United Nations, and NATO should allow the annexation of Crimea by Russia. Beyond simple appeasement of Russia, the argument to do this would be that Crimea has long been an oddity in Ukraine. It was part of Russia, until it was gifted to Ukraine by Kruschev in the 1950s. It is the only bit of Ukraine that has a Russian-speaking majority.
Just as it was illegal and stupid for the United States to interfere in Syria, where the United States doesn’t even have any kind of diplomatic contact, it is wrong and stupid for Obama or the United States or NATO to interfere in Russia and Crimea.
Elections are coming for each of our Senators and Representatives who allow our continuing to pour trillions of dollars into Obama’s stupid War on Terror what is murdering innocent civilians and giving the Terrorists of Africa and the Middle East the Media Attention, death, and destruction they want, want drones and robot cops causing collateral damage in our Streets in the United States, gave us the NDAA, the Cyber Security Bill, Obamacare, and other Bills since 2008 that destroy many of our basic human rights and our freedoms, have not kept their Oath of Office to protect our Constitution from threats foreign and domestic like Obama and Biden who love Gun Control and War more than Adolf Hitler did, and since 2008 have allowed our IRS to become known for nothing but corruption, our EPA to become just like the IRS and randomly create regulations which hurt the coal industry, unconstitutionally snatch land, and write regulations almost banning wood stoves that will cause Americans to die, and have attacked our Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, and right to bear Arms.
No Incumbents.
Any man or woman serving in any elected or appointed office in Washington, DC is part of the problem and not part of the solution and has gone alone with Obama and Biden’s terrible unconstitutional, unamerican policies.
We have Immigration Laws, like the horrible Obamacare Monster, they have not been Repealed. Use them, deport the Illegal Aliens. No Incumbents. They have not fired Obama and Holder.