In his never-ending efforts to foment hatred for police, Obama, appearing at the International Association of Chiefs of Police’s annual conference in Chicago Tuesday, stated that there were times that he got pulled over just because he was black.
Yes, the America’s first black president is complaining about race relations once again. But this isn’t just based on past resentment or bigotry, there is an agenda here.
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The military and police stand up for We the People? LOL.
They not only don’t recognize the threat that Obama represents, they carry out his will. Had they actually recognized that threat and opposed it, Obama and his entire regime would have been removed 6 years ago!
They will follow his orders to suppress the People not defend them! Those SWAT Teams and armored cars and camps are not there for show!
Curse me all you want – but ask yourself what the military and police have done in this country for 7 years other than BOW to Obama?
Read history. Particularly the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. The police and military in Germany knew$#%&!@*for who he was but ended up swearing allegiance to him then blindly following his commands! ALL of those commands. It’s no different here today.
Poor baby
Trut are you kidding me, he doest know what that is.
According to the FBI, there have been 600 actual attempts to assassinate OVomit. He gets 30 death threats a day from the 80 some % of the population that hates him.
I’m willing to bet the only time he’s ever seen cops is on TV or protecting him.