In addressing critics who constantly call him anti-Semitic, Obama opens his mouth and another zinger flies out. Where would people get the idea that Obama is anti-Semitic? Could it be the fact that he’s trying his hardest to give a nuke to Iran, who vows the complete destruction of Israel and the U.S.?
One would think that would be a sufficient amount of evidence to be considered a ‘smidgen’.
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Yea right.
go back home!
Soldier asks Senate to Reject the Iran Deal, says ‘Why would you do a deal with the country that tried to Kill me?’ – Eagle Rising
Obama supports Iran and Iran supports ISIS and other terror groups ..Think about that folks .. not many degrees of separation is there ?
BS again.
Federal Prison should be OBAMAS retirement home
Iran deal is evidence enough give me a break
Oh noooo! He needs to retire at the end of a rope or firing squad! The SOB is a traitor!
There’s not a smidgen of evidence that you’re not a Muslim traitor.
LOOK, Them ATV lips are moving, a lie is coming!!!
This is so laughable…me thinks he protests too much. First of all he is a liar and you can’t believe a word he says and most of all actions speak louder than words and giving Iran power to run rough shod over the United States and Israel. What a loser we have in the white house!