In addressing critics who constantly call him anti-Semitic, Obama opens his mouth and another zinger flies out. Where would people get the idea that Obama is anti-Semitic? Could it be the fact that he’s trying his hardest to give a nuke to Iran, who vows the complete destruction of Israel and the U.S.?
One would think that would be a sufficient amount of evidence to be considered a ‘smidgen’.
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Top bull$#%&!@*er
Ya right, tell that lie to Israel.
yea who really cares anymore?? how did he get second term??
YOU were born a muslim , you defend muslims and you are trying to give our country away to muslims ….How much more evidence do we need…
Actions actions speak loud you pile
actually there is , quite a lot
The proof is more than a smidgen, it’s in actions taken against our country and our society !
Well there is also a mountain of evidence you are anti Christian !