In addressing critics who constantly call him anti-Semitic, Obama opens his mouth and another zinger flies out. Where would people get the idea that Obama is anti-Semitic? Could it be the fact that he’s trying his hardest to give a nuke to Iran, who vows the complete destruction of Israel and the U.S.?
One would think that would be a sufficient amount of evidence to be considered a ‘smidgen’.
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He has redefined anything he wanted to. He must have redefined smidgen and not told us.
Give Doug a hug. He’s right on the money. Actions speak louder than the POS in Chief’s words (that are mostly lies anyway) He and his loons didn’t even take any of israel’s concerns into consideration.
Well there was no a smidgen of evidence that the irs targets people either. Moron!
obama said same thing about IRS
Get that shovel out . You are going to need it to try to cover this one up for sure
….. But this page is anti Muslim when Muslims are Semitic people as well… Durrrrr
OMG his lips are moving That only means one thing
BUD you are buried in it!