The Turkish border is an open gateway for Islamic State (ISIS) fighters to pour through in order to continue growing the numbers of the Islamic terror organization in Syria and Iran.
Up to now, Obama has been dismissive of ISIS, calling them a JV team and allowing only occasional bombing raids against them in order to provide the pretense that he is anxiously engaged in stamping out this world threat.
Many believe that Obama is covertly rooting for and propping up ISIS as a way to depose Bashar al Assad, leader of Syria, rather than to become more involved militarily in that effort.
But with the suicide bombings and murders carried out by ISIS suicide bombers a couple of weeks ago, coupled with the embarrassing actions of Russia that showed a commitment to destroy ISIS and the military wherewithal to do just that, Obama is finally waking up to the fact that his narrative is becoming irrelevant regarding the terrorist organization.
Now he is taking action, and by that I mean that he is talking tough, which is about as committed as he gets in defending the U.S. citizenry.
Obama takes action, page 2
Un fucking believable
Mexicans are not Terrorists
This POS has never been a president..he is a street thug activists that wants only one thing MARTIAL LAW so he can shut down the constitution and the Bill of rights..that is why he has imported these terrorists into our country..that is why while we celebrated the fourth of July he was signing a bill to have a federal police force to take over the state’s police so he can confiscate our guns.and throw us non Muslim..Christians into camps ..we are at the end days don’t WANT to believe it..but I don’t believe we will get a chance to have a n election.or if so he will declare martial law before trump could be sworn in..that is what this is about..if kilbillery doesn’t win the election OBOZO will not let trump get sworn in as president…get ready we may have to have another civil war…..!!!!
They shouldn’t be allowed to vote any longer…they have shown themselves to be enablers of and traitors to their own country…
POP goes the OBOZO!!!!!!
Turkish officials said they agree that tighter border control is necessary, and have begun implementing some measures.
A total collapse of respect for our commander and chief!
Why? He brings them here to USA
Your a failure stop smoking crack