The Zombie Apocalypse has reached the media. No longer do the leftist media lapdogs have to spin stories on the glories of Obama. The president now actively tells them what to write.
Certainly, Barack is asking, “Do I have to do everything myself these days?”
Well, the reporters seem to enjoy being given the tales verbatim. It saves time for them.
Yes, there are details on this disgusting turn of events in the once hallowed halls of journalism.
More on the next page:
White House, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, MSNBC, CNN, PBS The New York Times, Newsweek, NPR Huffington Post, Media Matter for America, is not a news source its a Left Wing forum to DECIEVE America and CHEAT them from the TRUTH with bias & amp; bogus propaganda.
You stupid people stop obstacles him he’s taking your right away can’t you see that or are stupid like congress he’s got them where he wants them wake up people before it’s to late
This has happened since he took office
No kidding ! He’ll go as far as WE allow him to go !
Obama only tells them what Soros tells him to do he is a puppet.
very true just yesterday the Baltimore Sun reported that Obama was welcomed in Oregon with only a few protesters
And it shows
Our country has fallen into enemy hands, now what are you gonna do about it?
That’s why you should not believe anything you see on the MSM.