The Zombie Apocalypse has reached the media. No longer do the leftist media lapdogs have to spin stories on the glories of Obama. The president now actively tells them what to write.
Certainly, Barack is asking, “Do I have to do everything myself these days?”
Well, the reporters seem to enjoy being given the tales verbatim. It saves time for them.
Yes, there are details on this disgusting turn of events in the once hallowed halls of journalism.
More on the next page:
Obama is sabotaging our country & Congress is standing by & doing nothing about it !!! HE NEED’S TO BE IN PRISON
Seig Heil Obama!
He is$#%&!@*
No surprise.
Control the media and you control the of the people. ADOLPH HITLER
If they wrote the truth he would not be the president.
Revolution is coming.
He wants to get rid of all the bill of rights.
Of course there was nothing g said about O’s visit to Oregon to visit the victims families after the shootings. They did not tell that he was met by hundreds of protestors with guns, telling him he was not wanted there & for him to go home. !!!
We do not have a free press anymore ! They have been taken over by the liberals, therefore we never get the whole story nor do we get the truth !!! They make the Democrats look good while they trash the Republicans !!! L.P.B.