Obama arrogantly taunted Republicans yesterday, stating “So sue me,” referring to John Boehner’s recent trifle of a lawsuit filed against him.
Obama knows nothing is going to happen with this lawsuit and he feels that Congress is ‘locked down’ and will continue to do nothing to stop his tyrannical actions. So why not be arrogant?
“As long as they insist on taking no action whatsoever that will help anybody, I’m going to keep on taking actions on my own that can help the middle class, like the actions I’ve already taken to speed up construction projects and attract new manufacturing jobs and lift workers’ wages and help students pay off their student loans,” Obama said in Washington. “Middle-class families can’t wait for Republicans in Congress to do stuff. So sue me. As long as they’re doing nothing, I’m not going to apologize for trying to do something.”
Obama is destroying the country at the foundation – while offering his ignorant, socialist followers breadcrumbs like ‘help with paying off student loans’, which will mean nothing when our economy is completely trashed. He offers band-aids to be placed on top of his surgical destruction of our country and ignorant Democrats applaud.
Many of our readers continue to ask why this criminal has continued to be allowed to commit treason without consequence. The answer is that all 3 branches of our government are now subjugated to communist ideals. We currently live in a lawless society – making way for a dictator.
The Founders counted on the US Constitution to “restrain” Governmental powers, but that is harder since the advent of the American Progressive in the 20th century.
Progressives and the Politically Correct are not without some education, but it’s the perspective that “I have a degree and now know BETTER than you” – it’s an arrogance, there is no humbleness that in acquiring more education, they now realize just how IGNORANT they are, and so there is no humility, no Socratic moment of realizing that for all your wisdom and what you know your IGNORANCE is vastly greater.
No, in their minds they have ARRIVED! Whereas for Christians following in the steps of Christ, we know we NEVER arrive in this lifetime, that we are always growing and learning in our relationship with our omniscient and infinite God.
Progressives have to blaspheme our History of Religion in this country and make it a boogie man and try to convince you that thousands of Christian Denominations who cannot agree upon mutual “Articles of Faith” let alone a single dominating Hermeneutic of the Bible, can somehow form a majority to form a Christian Theocracy to overthrow the Republic. It’s the RED HERRING the Progressives throw out in the Media EVERY ELECTION CYCLE.
Meanwhile, Progressives don’t mind dumbing down the education to the point where the majority of Americans don’t even realize it was the National Sunday School Movement of the 18th and 19th centuries that founded the public education system that the Federal Government then stepped in and took over – https://www.facebook.com/notes/george-walter-bratcher-iii/why-progressives-fear-religion-in-america-/10150563200101373 – in fact they’ll threaten you with expulsion in many Progressive Districts if a student even dares to put God into a diagram or essay for their class.
Also, they don’t want you looking behind the curtain to see that Progressives think we need to progress past the US Constitution because it’s too old, tend to like to call it a “living, breathing document” so they can get past what is not lawful in it, in Universities they don’t have law students study the US Constitution, instead they have them study “case law” which many times violates the US Constitution (http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB6EB4D72C22473EE), and always call our Government a “Democracy” instead of “a Republic” because they know the founding Father’s despised “Democracies.”
The Progressive movement of the early 20th century culminated in Progressive plans like those hatched by Cloward and Piven in the 1960’s to infiltrate the Government system (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=595917153799253) and destroy the Republic from within by overburdening it with debt and deficit spending until the Government programs cause the Capitalist system to collapse in on itself so they can PROGRESS PAST the Republic – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9dnLgTo6MU&list=PLB73F1A002438E057 – and on to better things!
Basically if the Tea Party doesn’t wake up the general populous, and take power away from the 50% of the 1% in DC in the next 5 to 10 years (http://www.ijreview.com/2013/01/32757-boomtown-fox-news-exposes-corporate-cronyism-in-big-government/), we are going to see the downfall of our Republic same as happened to the Romans, and we are already more than half way there.
Watch “America”
My assessment of this mess this Country is in at
this time is, if the majority of Democrats along
with the Republicans, fail to execute further action
that will hopefully turn this Country around, and
Stop being afraid, the Democrats will have NO
chance at all in 2016.
Terry Sr.
Watch the news reports from Kenya, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, and Iran. Is that what you want for the United States?
Guys like George Soros and groups like the National Endowment for Democracy are responsible for the violence in Syria, Egypt, and the Ukraine.
No Incumbents.
Barrack Obama actively supports the Muslim Brotherhood.
The United Nations has no respect for individual Human Rights or Freedom.
NATO is only a War Machine.
In Muslim nations children and women have no Human Rights or Freedoms.
Barrack Obama supports and finances Terrorists in Syria.
The National Endowment for Democracy which works for the State Department and the CIA created, supported, and financed the violence and Terrorism in the Ukraine.
The Talking Points about Benghazi were Obstruction of Justice and Treason.
Arrest Barrack Obama for Treason.
Shred every one of Barrack Obama’s Executive Orders.
Quit shipping money and weapons to nations like the Ukraine, Egypt, and Iran.
Obama’s lies are the only thing that got Obamacare passed. Repeal it.
We have Immigration Laws, use them. They have not been repealed.
Fire Joe Biden, John Kerry, Eric Holder, and every one of Obama’s Appointees.
How are Hillary Clinton’s and Barrack Obama’s Arab Spring and Muslim Brotherhood doing these days?
The Muslim Brotherhood is a Terrorist Organization, it always has been.
Barrack Obama wanted Morsai back in power because Morsai was the Muslim Brotherhood.
Barrack Obama actively supports the Muslim Brotherhood.
Arrest Barrack Obama for Treason.
Fire every one of Barrack Obama’s Appointees.
No Incumbents.
Democrat and Republican, they have broken their Oath of Office just as Obama and Biden have.
Vote every one of the liars and parasites of our current Senate and House in Washington, DC out.
Bill and HIllary Clintion are just like Barrack Obama and just like our current liars and parasites in the House and Senate.
No Incumbents.
If you are not mad, you are not paying attention.
Our Media and our politicians lie.
End our stupid wars.
God Bless the U.S.A.
No Incumbents.
Put that arrogant ass away for good along with his horrible wife.
Yes, it’s because when the government controls the schools and the media, then they are able to hide the truths and thus indoctrinate and change the public so they will vote in twice for the kind of government we have, it’s gradual, like a frog starting out in cool water with the gradual decline of our country, with out God, nobody knows right from wrong truly, so it’s easier to pull the wool over so many eyes.
Congress needs to grow some cojones and shut Obama and his pin and phone.
bring all our troops home and put them on the border
sue hell, arrest him for impersonating a president